Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Uncomfortable? Fret not!

Ergonomics are so important to guitarists; the shape of a guitar neck, placement of knobs, tuners etc. However in some areas, such as the body of the guitar we can seem to be fairly blind, many people are happy to sacrifice comfort for a particular look, design or sound.

Some however, are not - Over at Building the Ergonomic Guitar Robert Irizarry regularly updates his blog with news on all aspects of ergonomics relating to guitars, and has set about on a quest to build the perfect ergonomic guitar for maximum comfort. Well worth a read.


Anonymous said...

I really don't like the design of the Orchid bass. Its so ugly and unbalanced and I'm damned sure its not ergonomic.

For a good example of smooth ergonomic bass design have a look at the Status Streamliner on the Status-Graphite website.

Sam D said...

I think the important thing to remember with an ergonomic instrument is that, past the way it looks, the overall balance, and the way it sits in the playing position is most important aspect - with things like armrests and stomach cuts being secondary.

While the orchid may not be asthetically pleasing, I can believe it balances nicely, though whether it is comfortable to stand and play with is likely entirely out for debate!